Please print this form and complete it before your first appointment.
East-West Wellness Center
Please Print this form and bring it with you
Patient Information
Patient Information Today’s date: ______________
Name: ________________________________ Birth date: __________Age: ________
Street Address: _________________________________________________City:__________________________ State:_____
Home phone: __________________________ Cell Phone: ______________________
E-mail Address: _________________________________ Occupation: ____________________________
Emergency contact: Name: _________________________________Phone: _________________Relationship: ______________
How did you hear about our center: ________________________________________ Referred by ________________________
May we send a thank you card? Yes No Primary treating physician: ____________________ Phone: ____________________
Other specialist: _____________________________ Phone: ____________________
Other specialist: ______________________________Phone: ____________________
Have you ever been treated with acupuncture? Yes No
If yes, condition treated? ________________________________________________
Health History
Reason for visit: Please list your 5 major health concerns in order of importance:
1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________
Major hospitalizations, surgeries, illnesses, injuries: Year Surgery, illness, injury Outcome
__________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________
Please circle the level of stress you are experiencing on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the lowest): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Identify the major causes of stress (e.g., changes in job, work, residence or finances, legal problems): __________________________________________________________________________________________
Height: __________________ Weight: _________________
Do you consider yourself: Under-weight Over-weight Just right
Have you experienced unexpected weight gain or weight loss of greater than 10 pounds in the last three months? Yes No
If yes, how much? _______________
Do you smoke? Yes No If yes, how much per day? _________ Per week? ________
Do you drink alcohol? Yes No Type: ____________ Quantity: _________________
Medications & Supplements
Please list any known allergies: ________________________________________________________________
Please list all current medications that you are taking:
Start date Name of medication Amount Frequency:
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please list all current vitamins, supplements and herbs that you are taking ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________
The following questions are for female patients only
Are you pregnant? ________ Any chance you could be pregnant? _____________
Describe your menstrual cycles REGULAR IRREGULAR EARLY LATE __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Is your menstrual flow NORMAL LIGHT HEAVY WITH CLOTTS ?
Do you experience PMS? Please describe ________________________________________________________________
Number of Pregnancies: _______________Number of childbirths ______________________________________________
Have you had fertility therapy in the past? _________ Present _________________________________________________
What type of fertility therapy? ___________________________________________________________________________
Type of birth control used in the past ____________________ Present __________________________________________
Do you have problem with conceiving ________________ infertility _____________________________________________
Do you have signs and symptoms of menopause? __________________________________________________________
Please describe any other GYN/ obstetric issues you may have ________________________________________________
Informed Consent
I ____________________________ (name) hereby request and consent to the performance of acupuncture treatments, other Oriental medicine and/or Functional/Energetic Medicine procedures by the licensed practitioner listed below. I understand that the treatment may include, but not limited to: acupuncture, acupressure, moxibustion, cupping, heat lamp, Chinese or Western herbal medicine, homeopathy, nutritional testing or kinesiology. I have had an opportunity to discuss with the practitioner named below the nature and purpose of these treatment modalities and other procedures. I understand that results are not guaranteed.
Acupuncture: I have had an opportunity to discuss with a practitioner the nature and purpose of said treatment and/or other procedures. I have been informed that acupuncture is a safe method of treatment, but occasionally there may be some bruising or tingling near the needling sites that may last a few days. Initial here______.
Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET): Emotions have a psychological aspect, however this technology is not psychology or psychiatry. Psychological aspects of emotional health will be referred out to an appropriate health care professional. Additionally, this technology does not deal with the spiritual realm. It does not make claims as to what events may have historically happened in the past. It does not tell people what their psychological plan of action may, must, or should be for the future. Initial here_____.
Nambudripad Allergy Elimination technique (NAET): I understand that once I have been cleared for a sensitivity to an allergen, it is my responsibility to recheck the clearing within one week. I understand that I may still have a reaction to that allergen if it is not cleared and additional treatment sessions may be necessary to clear the allergen completely. Initial here_____.
Nutritional Response Testing (NRT): I understand that this technique will test for the nutritional supplements which my body may be craving to reach maximum health benefits from nutrition. I understand that the supplements selected are not a replacement for my regular medications, and that I will not make any changes regarding the prescribed medications without discussing it with my medical doctor. Initial here_____.
To present, there may not be formal scientific studies completed for my particular condition now or those conditions that are treated in the future with these technologies. I understand that my return to health is a process of brining my body into harmony with the bodies own ability to heal. Initial here______.
I understand the contents of this consent form and I have had an opportunity to ask questions about this consent.
By signing below I agree to the above named procedures.
Patient’s printed name ______________________________
Patient’s signature__________________________________
Date __________
Parent or Guardian's name_____________________________
Signature _________________________________________
Date _____________
Practitioner: Veronica Bolhovitinova, L.Ac.