Welcome to

East-West Wellness Center

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Thank you for choosing our office to meet yo ur healthcare needs. In addition to acupuncture, you will have access to nutritional counseling, herbal medicine, lifestyle counseling, and a broad array of diagnostic testing. Our goal is to provide a safe, healing environment and to support you in your pursuit of optimal well-being. 

Your initial visit may take up to two hours. Please plan your schedule accordingly. We will do a thorough health interview and history, and then partner with you to develop a personalized treatment plan. You will have ample time to ask any questions you may have.

Please note that because this time has been reserved especially for you, we request notification of any scheduling changes a minimum of two business days prior to the first appointment, and one business day prior to established patient visits. Any missed appointments are billed at the regular appointment rate.

To help us better serve you, please take some time to complete and sign the enclosed forms before arriving at your first appointment. If you have recent laboratory test results that you would like to review at the initial appointment, please bring the copies with you.

Veronica Bolhovitinova, L.Ac.

Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, 
Massage, Herbal Medicine, Allergy Elimination, 
Nutrition Response Testing, Stress Reduction

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